So Great a Salvation: Simple Enough for a Child, Strong Enough for Life

So Great a Salvation Series LogoIf you were to receive an incredible gift, what would you do with it?  Would you lock it away in a closet and forget about it or would you keep it out, learn what it does or how to use it, and change other things in your life so that this incredible gift has a proper place?  

The purpose of this sermon series is to explore, understand, and live everyday in light of the incredible gift of salvation that we have been given in Jesus Christ.  This gift is so simple that anyone, even children, can understand, so each sermon will emphasize the very simple and basic (but incredibly important!) aspects of our salvation.  But God's gift of salvation is also strong enough for us to spend the rest of our lives learning about and trusting in so each sermon will explore the great depths of truth and hope that are ours in Christ Jesus.

We hope you will join us as we look into "So Great a Salvation"!