Praying with Paul

It is amazing to think that the God who created and sustains the universe invites us to speak with Him through prayer. Because of Christ's finished work on the cross we can, at any time, speak directly with God. But what should we say? 

We often come to God with our immediate needs and desires - all the things that are on our hearts and minds. This is good and necessary in prayer, but prayer should go deeper as well. In the New Testament we have the letters of Paul to the churches he loved so dearly. Included in these letters are Paul's prayers for these people.

This sermon series walks through many of the prayers of Paul with the goal of stretching our prayer life and enlarging the content of our prayers. I pray that as we study these incredible, rich, and deep prayers that we would learn to pray prayers that are in step with the heartbeat of God and the great gospel of Jesus Christ. As we do so, we will not only be praying better on behalf of ourselves and others, but we will also be strengthened and maturing in our own faith because of the depth of our prayers.
- Pastor Dave Daye
July, 2015